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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721





Keywords: Crete , Roum , Grek , Rebellion , Annexation

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1829 Edirne Antla mas ve 1830 Londra Protokolü ile Yunanistan Devleti kurulduktan sonra Rumlar, topraklar n geni letmek ve Büyük Yunanistan’ kurmak i in Osmanl topraklar nda, zellikle adalarda ya ayan Rumlar rahat b rakmam lard r. Girit Adas ’nda da durum farkl geli memi tir. Girit’teki isyanlar, Mora ve di er adalarla birlikte ba lam ve iddetini artt rarak devam etmi tir. Rumlar, Girit’te büyük mülkler elde ederek yerlerini sa lamla t rmak istemi tir. Bununla birlikte Müslümanlar n haklar hi bir zaman korunmam t r. Osmanl Devleti, sorunun ciddiyetini anlayamam ve gerekli nlemleri almam t r. Avrupal Devletlerden cesaret alan Rumlar ise, Girit’i nce bir Akdeniz sorunu, sonra da uluslar aras bir sorun haline getirmi tir. Avrupal Devletler Girit politikalar n kendi kar dengelerine g re ekillendirmi tir. Ayr ca Avrupa bas n da Girit olaylar n yak ndan takip etmi tir. zellikle 1878 Halepa Antla mas ’ndan sonra Yunanl l k propagandas n artt ran Rumlar, Müslümanlara eziyet ederek Müslümanlar g e zorlam ve Ada’daki Rum nüfusunu artt rm lard r. Girit, 1897 y l nda Avrupal Devletlerin de iste iyle nce muhtariyet kazanm , 14 Aral k 1913 tarihinde de Yunanistan’a ilhak edilmi tir. Osmanl Devleti ise, durumu kabul ederek Rumlar n Büyük Yunanistan hayalinin yolunu a m t r.AbstractAfter Greece was founded with Edirne Treaty in 1829 and 1830 London Protocol the Roum started to disturb Roums especially in islands in Otoman Empire to found Great Greece and to expand their lands. It wasn’t different in Crete island. Revolts in Crete started with the revolts in Mora and other islands and continued with violence. n Crete, the Roums wanted to consolidate their position by obtaining a large number of property. However, never protected the rights of Muslims. The Otoman Empire failed to understand the seriousness of the problem and didn’t receive the necessary measure. Roums, affected by the European Countries, made Crete first Meditearian problem and then an international problem. According to the balance of interest has shaped the Crete policies of European States. Also European presss closely followed the events in Crete. Especially after Halepa Treaty in 1878 Roum increased the propaganda of being Greek and they torment Muslims and forced the Muslims to emigrate from the island and they increased the population of the Roum. Crete got otonomy with the help of European States in 1897 after it was left to Greece in 14th of December in 1913. By accepting the status of the Otoman Empire opened the way fort he dream of Great Greece.


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