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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Revitalization of Public Space: From “Non-Places” to Creative Playgrounds Vie j erdvi gaivinimas: nuo ne-vietos link kūrybin s s veikos aik tel s

DOI: 10.3846/coactivity.2011.16

Keywords: creative public actions , flash mobs , non-places , bodily and emotional experience

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The aim of this paper is to discuss a mechanism of revitalization of public spaces, focusing on creative tactics, which are used by groups of enthusiasts and public artists. The author argues that creative public actions, such as flash mobs and performances, take part in forming the identity of the place and could be considered as an act of place-making. Referring to the idea that a space is constituted through practices (Merleau-Ponty, de Certeau, Lefebvre, Augé), three components, crucial for “place making” are distinguished: actualization of bodily experience, shared emotional experience, and emerging new solidarities (temporal communities of citizens, who are involved in active reinterpretation of public space). creative public actions reveal a potential of the place by establishing a distance from routine scenarios and by performing alternative use of spatial elements, and it is a periodicity of actions and reorganization of spatial elements that produces long-term impact on the public space. Although applying a distinction between “non-places” and “empty spaces”, which was proposed by Z. Bauman (2000), it could be found, that a short-term playful intervention into spaces, which are “public, but not civic” (such as supermarkets, airports and train stations), could be the most effective tool for initiating interaction among passers-by and reforming the “emotional scape” of the place. Article in English Miestel n inicijuojamos kūrybin s akcijos vie osiose erdv se analizuojamos, pasitelkiant M. de Certeau pasiūlyt bei M. Augé ir Z. Baumano i pl tot ne-viet samprat . Ne-vietos (oro uostai, prekybos centrai, traukini stotys ir t. t.) yra erdv s, skirtos mas ms cirkuliuoti ir palaikan ios kiekvieno miestel no atskirtum . Netur damos savo istorijos, jos sukuria matom atvirum , ta iau prie inasi pastangoms paversti jas intensyvaus patyrimo vieta. Ta iau kaip tik erdv s, kurias min ti autoriai priskiria prie ne-viet , XXI a. prad ioje virto miestel n kūrybini eksperiment taikiniu: aibi ki sambūriai (flashmob) ir performansai demonstruoja, kad jos gali virsti intensyvios moni s veikos vieta. ios akcijos aktualizuoja kūni k ir emocin miesto patyrim , o j pagrindu atsiranda naujos solidarumo formos. Nors min t kūrybini akcij poveikis trumpalaikis, jos atskleid ia vie j erdvi potencial ir gali daryti tak vietos tapatybei. Straipsnis angl kalba


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