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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Zimnjaja karnaval'naja obrjadnost' vostochnoromanskogo naselenia Bukoviny. Nekotorye istoriograficheskie aspekty

Keywords: Bukovina , Eastern Romanian Population , winter holidays , carnival tradition , ritual masks , dramatized dance

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Information regarding the carnival traditions can be found in medieval Moldavian chronicles, travellers’ itinerary notes, whose path ran across the territory of Moldavian Princedom, and Bukovina in particular; in the materials of archival and museum establishments in Ukraine and Moldova Republic (20th century); in the replies to the questionnaires (end of the 19th – beginning of the 21st centuries); in the ethnographic anthologies, periodicals, village studies, studies dedicated to the ethnographic zones of Bukovina (second half of the 19-20th centuries), folklore collections (20th – beginning of the 21st centuries) etc.In the present article information on carnival traditions described in the itinerary notes of the German Konrad Giltenbrant, in the chronicles of G. Ureche, M. Costin, I. Neculce, in the “Description of Moldova” by D. Kantemir is analyzed. More substantial material on carnival traditions of the Eastern Romanian Population in Bukovina can be found in the museum funds: in the scientific archive of the Chernivtsi Museum of People’s Architecture, in the Central Scientific Archive of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova Republic, in the ethnographic museum at the college of history, political science and international relations of the Chernivtsi University. Material on this subject presented in the studies “Moldavian People’s Drama” (1976), “Folk Historically Themed Theater in Moldova” (1980), “People’s Theater” (1981), “In the World of the People’s Theater” (1985) by G. Spataru, “Do you accept the horsey? – People’s Theater” (1983) by Yu. Filip etc. was analyzed.Bukovinian ethnographic material obtained with the help of the questionnaires, which were spread out by the certain researchers or scientific institutions starting from the last quarter of the 19th until the end of the 20th century: B.P. Hasdeu (70-80s of the 19th century), N. Densusanu (90s of the 19th century), employees of the Bucharest Ethnography and Folklore Institute named after C. Br iloiu within the framework of the development program of the “Romanian ethnographic atlas” (material which describes the period from 1900 to 70-80s of the 20 century), by the staff of the Romanian Academy of Sciences (1967-1974) is of real scientific value. Works of the Romanian researchers I.G. Sbiera, E. Niculi -Voronca, L. Bodn rescu, studies of the whole range of Bukovinian villages dedicated to the ethnographic zones of Bukovina, folklore collections etc. were also analyzed.Summing up the sources review, we should emphasize the existence of the substantial amount of archival and museum materi


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