Proposal of a method to a pro-active action in the technological innovation management in an aerospace public research institutionKeywords: Technological innovation management , Aerospace cluster , Public research institution Abstract: The Aerospace Science and Technology Department (DCTA, acronym in Portuguese) has a relevant role. of attending the air force necessities and of incrementing the Brazilian’s global technological capacity. Taking over to a pro-active role in the innovation management is a fundamental step to achieve the strategic goals and it must be faced as a necessary condition for the formation of a favorable environment to disseminate knowledge to the Brazilian industrial sector. This work is based on two approaches: the technological innovation is a cumulative process – which is established by means of the interaction among government, enterprises and R&D institutions, besides the market – and the technological foresight approach, in which the strategic management of the technological innovation implies negotiating demands and promising investigation fields, besides influencing on conditions of the environment in which the actors are inserted, promoting a macro-coordination. This paper presents considerations about the Brazilian aerospace industry and about the technological innovation context at the Defense Ministry and at the Aeronautic Command, specifically at DCTA. The object was to emphasize the necessity of a pro-active strategic action in order to generate technological innovation, and to propose a method of management of this technology for DCTA.