Colloquium Agrariae 2011
AVALIA O BIOQUíMICA E HEMOGASOMéTRICA DE BOLSAS DE SANGUE (CPDA-1) CANINAS MANTIDAS SOB REFRIGERA ODOI: 10.5747/ca.2011.v07.n2.a068 Keywords: Blood gas , Blood transfusion , Dog Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the biochemical and the blood gas following the refrigerated storage of blood bags. Blood samples (420mL) of eight healthy dogs were collected and the bags were kept under refrigeration (-2 to 80C). An aliquot of blood was withdrawn immediately after collection (D0) and on days 7, 14, 21 and 30 for measurement of plasma glucose, sodium, potassium, total plasma protein and measurement of pO2, pCO2, bicarbonate and blood pH by blood gas. There was a significant increase of glucose level, bicarbonate and blood pH after 15 days of collection. On the other hand, potassium, pCO2 and plasma protein decreased with time. In conclusion, the maximum period of 15 days should be adopted for refrigeration of dog blood bags, in order to preserve the blood biochemical and gas characteristics.