SMALL-SIDED GAMES IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION: THE EFFECTS IN THE PRACTICE INTENSITYKeywords: Physical Education. Small-sided Games. Heart Rate. Handball. Abstract: CLEMENTE, F.; ROCHA, R. Small-sided games in physical education: the effects in the practice intensity. Brazilian Journal of Biomotricity. v. 6, n. 4, p. 254-260, 2012. Task constraints as the space of practice, number of participants or play rules can define the structure of the small-sided games. Thus, is important to perceive the influence of the task constraints in the intensity of the students. Therefore, the present study aims to analyze the influence of the space of practice in the heart rate responses of the students. Participated voluntarily in the study eight male students (18.25 ± 1.04 years old). The results of the mean heart rate obtained in the two spaces of practice suggest significance statistical differences (t(1678) = - 6.299; p-value .001) between them. According to the results is possible to confirm the pertinence of the task constraints in order to develop the students’ fitness simultaneously to the learning of the technical and tactical contents of the game.