UNIVERSITY SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE ORGANIZATION: A CASE STUDYKeywords: Institutional Memory , Archives , Institutional Repositories , PIBIC/UFMA. Abstract: The scientific knowledge at UFMA justifies the organization process in the Programa Institucional de Bolsas para Inicia o Científica (PIBIC) archive that aims to let produced scientific documents available so the Institutional Repository can use them. It uses the description research methodology in data collection. It deals with document as information holder and representation. It shows meanings, objectives, archive function and emphasizes the necessity of letting documents available and its virtual ease. It describes the collection, analyzes its composition and describes the archive organization process of PIBIC at the Universidade Federal do Maranh o(UFMA). It defines institutional memory based on some authors, emphasizing the importance of preservation of the Institution documents. It clears the Institutional Repository as scientific production medium and concludes by indicating that the UFMA Institutional Repository is an effective tool to make the PIBIC scientific production archives.