Profile of activities of daily living of paralympians highperformance athletes prepared through questionnaire HAQ (Health Assessment Questionnaire)Keywords: Occupational Therapy , Sports Medicine , Rehabilitation. Abstract: The increased participation of the disabled in sports is already a reality. Sports promote an importantstimulus in rehabilitation and reintegration in society. The daily life of any person is made up of many activitiesof daily living (ADLs). If a person is unsuitable, it may affect the various roles they might play. Intervention inoccupational dysfunctions is the main target of Occupational Therapy. The present study aimed to survey the maindifficulties in the Activities of Daily Living of Paralympians with motor impairment, from the UNP/SUPERARproject, through the HAQ (Health Assessment Questionnaire) protocol. A total of 11 Paralympic athletes, allmedalists with high performance at national and international competitions, were assessed; it was found that,despite being world champions in their categories, they present difficulties in performing basic tasks of dailyliving, just like any other disabled person, requiring the intervention of occupational therapy through the useof Assistive Technology resources for this population. Further more detailed studies are needed, as well as theapplication of specific protocols for each athlete aiming to identify other tasks not described in this questionnaire.