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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Herbivore impact on beech in selected tree plantations in the Beskydy and Jeseniky Mountains

Keywords: browsing on tree species , man-made plantations , red deer , roe deer , brown hare

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The paper evaluates the impact of Lepus europaeus, Capreolus capreolus and Cervus ela- phus on European beech (Fagus sylvatica) as the main tree species in recent forest plantations in the Beskydy and Jeseniky Mts. The damage was assessed according to browsing intensity. Beech browsing in both sites accounted for approximately 30% and the di erence in damage was not signi cant (p > 0.05). Minor browsing (score 1) distinctly prevailed, a more serious impact (score 2 and 3) accounted for only 0 -- 10%. Damage correlated with elevation only in the Beskydy Mts. (p < 0.05). The extent of browsing on the monitored trees is related to the habitat's food sup- ply and its carrying capacity for herbivorous population and also to their spatial distribution throughout the year.


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