EQUIDAD EN EL ACCESO A LA EDUCACIóN SUPERIOR: LOS “CUPOS DE EQUIDAD” EN LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILEKeywords: Calidad en la Educación Abstract: This paper analyzes the “Equity Quotas” (CE, for the Spanish acronym) as an initiative that seeks alternative ways of entering higher education in a highly segregated socioeconomic selectioncontext. It analyzes the concept of equity in higher education along with other specific programs and initiatives of alternative access in the last two decades. The initiative is characterized bythe revision of some documents that give account of it compared with impressions provided by the person in charge of its implementation and tracing. Finally, the strengths and weaknesses of the CE are exposed, in the light of similar international initiatives. In its development, the work reflects on the level of advance that the CE implies in respect of the equity in higher education, including new students, although it maintains the exclusion of others.Keyword: access to higher education, positive discrimination, equity