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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Hoshin Kanri: Policy Management in Japanese Subsidiaries Based in Poland Hoshin Kanri: Lenkijoje sikūrusi Japonijos antrini moni valdymo politika

DOI: 10.3846/bme.2011.15

Keywords: Hoshin Kanri , policy management , strategy , total quality management

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This article presents the findings from a research project on the Polish model of Hoshin Kanri identified in Japanese subsidiaries operating in Poland. It begins with an overview of the basic models of the method described in literature. Next, the findings of the project are presented. They were established on the basis of the first, quantitative stage of research conducted in over 50 enterprises of this kind and focusing on the awareness and practical application of Japanese manage-ment methods. The case studies permitted to develop a meta-model of the method typical of Japanese companies operating in Poland. iame straipsnyje pateikiami rezultatai, gauti i tyrimo projekto – Hoshin Kanri Lenkijos modelio, parengto Lenkijoje veikian i Japonijos antrini moni pavyzd iu. Straipsnis pradedamas pagrindini modeli literatūros analize, toliau pateikiami projekto rezultatai, kurie buvo nustatyti remiantis kiekybiniais moksliniais tyrimais, atliktais daugiau nei 50 tokio tipo moni . Pagrindinis d mesys skiriamas Japonijos valdymo metodams prakti kai pritaikyti ir diegti. Analiz sudar prielaidas i pl toti Lenkijoje veikian i tipini Japonijos moni metamodelio metod . Straipsnis angl kalba


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