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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Personnel Motivation of Virtual Organization Virtualiosios organizacijos personalo motyvavimas

DOI: 10.3846/bme.v8i1.16

Keywords: virtual organizations , traditional organizations , personnel motivation

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Virtual organization is chosen as the analytical object. In order to develop organizations performance successfully, it is important to identify what type of factors motivate virtual employees. The research can be one of the ways to obtain detailed and reliable information necessary to identify means that motivate the employees in virtual organizations. The results of the research can help to develop good personnel motivation system of virtual organizations.The goal of this paper is to investigate the motivation tools that exist in virtual organiza-tions. In order to achieve this goal, the first part of the paper addresses for the analysis of the concepts of virtual organization, assumptions and circumstances for its development. Advantages and disadvantages of virtual organizations are described. The second part of the paper focuses on the research of personnel motivation in virtual organizations. First of all it describes the stages of research planning: formulation of research problem, objectives and tasks. Later the results of the research are presented and interpreted. Keywords: virtual organizations, traditional organizations, personnel motivation. Pastar j met mokslin literatūra pateikia tyrim , nagrin jan i virtuali sias organizacijas vairiais vadybos aspektais, ta iau personalo motyvacijos tema, palyginti su tradicin mis organizacij formomis, n ra pakankamai i tirta. mon s vadovai tur t daugiau d mesio skirti veiksniams, skatinantiems darbuotojus geriau atlikti darb ir taip prisid ti prie visos organizacijos veiklos produktyvumo. Norint u tikrinti s kming mon s veikl ilgalaik je perspektyvoje, svarbu ie koti ir taikyti priemones, skatinan ias darbuotojus imtis iniciatyvos ir siekti kuo geresni darbo rezultat . Pastar j met mokslin je literatūroje galima rasti tyrim , nagrin jan i virtuali sias organizacijas kaip kokybi kai nauj organizacijos struktūr , ta iau personalo motyvacijos tema, palyginti su tradicin mis organizacij formomis, n ra pakankamai i tirta. Daug jant organizacij , dirban i naujomis verslo s lygomis, o kartu did jant i organizacij darbuotoj skai iui, darbuotoj valdymo ir motyvavimo klausimai tampa aktualūs pl tojant versl . Tyrimo tikslas – i tirti ir palyginti virtualiai ir tradici kai dirban i darbuotoj po iūr pagrindinius motyvacij lemian ius veiksnius. Siekiant gyvendinti tiksl , buvo i kelti tokie tyrimo u daviniai: i analizuoti nau


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