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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Em tempo de crise : uma memória documental da sociedade dos artífices na Bahia oitocentista

Keywords: Mutualism , memory and documentary heritage , social history of work in Bahia , Society of

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The documents held by the Sociedade Montepio dos Artífices da Bahia (Mutual Society of BahiaCraftsmen), founded in 1832, represent a significant heritage value, as materials of memory for studies onmutualism and the social and cultural history of work. The Society’s minutes of 1852 will be analyzed in orderto better understand the processes of clashes between rival groups, representatives of traditional andemerging political forces within the Society, and the concern of the craftsmen with the style of writingadopted, which became a controversial motive of dispute. Since this is a context of internal political crisis,these minutes reveal an intentional preparation, here considered as documentary heritage transformed intoa monument for remembrance.


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