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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721





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Gambir (Uncaria gambir Roxb) is “a local spesific” plant which is one of the main commodities from West Sumateraprovince. Nevertheless, Gambir plant has not been widely used by Indonesian people as herbal medicine. Most of the Gambir extract containingcatechine and katechu tannat acid which are flavonoidderivates withantioxidant activity. The result revealed that chocolate which contains flavonoid from catechine and epikatekin could inhibite oxidation of LDL cholesterol by 75%. The using of Gambir extract as herbal medicine has to meet the characteristics of Herbal Pharmakope. Samplesof this research hadtaken from 3 types of Gambir extract from West Sumaterawith Quality requirements were based on Herbal Pharmakope and extract requirements guidelines established by BPOM. Examinationwere included non-specific parameter such as water content, total ash, total acid insoluble ash, and extract microscopic examination. In the other side, specific parameterwere included assay of extract level, identification ofcatechinsandcatechinlevels. The result showed thatthe qualityes ofnon-specific parameter for water content of all Gambir extracts were meet requerement based on Herbal Farmakope (< 14%), whereas total ash and total acid insoluble ashparametersof all Gambir didn’t meet requerement based on Herbal Farmakope (total ash < 0,5 % and total acid insoluble ash< 0,1 %.Loss on drying of Gambir extract 1, 2, and 3 are 18.31%, 18.30%, and 16.77%. Specific parameters that are indicated by content of catechin extract quality of quality no. 1, 2, and 3 are 86.71%, 81.93%, and 57.04%. All of extract Gambir quality don’t meet based on Herbal Farmakope (>90%). The first type of Gambir extract is the best extract compared with extracts from others types based on examination of the spesific and non - spesific characteristics Keywords : Gambir extract, Uncaria gambir Roxb Characteristic, content of Uncaria gambir Roxb catechin Abstrak Gambir (Uncaria gambir Roxb) merupakan tanaman yang bersifat spesifik lokasi dan merupakan komoditas unggulan dariprovinsi Sumatera Barat. Namun sampai saat ini tanaman Gambir belum secara optimal dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat Indonesia sebagai obat herbal.Ekstrak Gambir sebagian besar mengandung katekin dan asam katechu tannatyang termasuk golongan flavanoidyang bersifat sebagai antioksidan.Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa coklat yang mengandung flavonoid turunan katekin dan epikatekin dapat menghambat oksidasi kolesterol LDL sebesar 75 % .Pemenuhan ekstrak Gambir sebagai obat herbal harus memenuhi karakteristik Farmakope Herbal. Sampelpada pe


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