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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Physiological quality and amylase enzyme expression in maize seeds Qualidade fisiológica e express o das enzimas amilases em sementes de milho

Keywords: Zea Mays , qualidade de sementes , qRT-PCR , Zea Mays , seed quality , qRT-PCR

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The physiological quality of maize seeds is affected by the genotype. Thus, the study of expression of genes associated with this characteristic is important in the genotype selection process in breeding programs. The aim of this research was to study the expression of amylase enzymes associated with physiological quality of maize seeds with different genotypes and seed sizes. We further sought to assess the expression of these enzymes in dry and soaked seeds The experiment was conducted in the experimental area and the Central Seed Laboratory of the Department of Agriculture of the Universidade Federal de Lavras. Seeds of four maize inbred lines were used, classified in two sizes. The physiological quality of the seeds was evaluated by means of germination, seedling emergence, seedling emergence speed index and accelerated aging test. Expression of the alpha amylase enzyme was evaluated by the electrophoresis technique and expression of the alpha amylase B73, alpha amylase (LOC542522) and beta amylase 5 (amyb5) genes was studied by the qRT-PCR technique in dry and soaked seeds of the inbred lines. There is differentiated expression of amylase enzymes in maize seeds of inbred lines with different levels of physiological quality. higher expression of amylase enzymes is observed in soaked maize seeds. The expression of transcripts is higher in smaller as wellas in soaked maize seeds of inbred lines. A qualidade fisiológica de sementes de milho é influenciada pelo genótipo. Assim, o estudo da express o de genes associados a essa característica é importante no processo de sele o de genótipos em programas de melhoramento. O objetivo neste trabalho foi estudar a express o das enzimas amilases associadas à qualidade fisiológica de sementes de milho, de diferentes genótipos e tamanhos de sementes. Objetivou-se ainda avaliar a express o dessas enzimas em sementes secas e embebidas. O experimento foi conduzido em área experimental e no Laboratório Central de Sementes do Departamento de Agricultura da Universidade Federal de Lavras. Foram utilizadas sementes de quatro linhagens de milho, classificadas em dois tamanhos. A qualidade fisiológica das sementes foi avaliada por meio dos testes de germina o, emergência de plantulas, índice de velocidade de emergência de plantulas e envelhecimento artificial. A express o da enzima -amilase foi avaliada pela técnica de eletroforese e a express o dos genes alpha amylase B73, alpha amylase (LOC542522) e beta amylase 5 (amyb5), foi estudada pela técnica de qRT-PCR em sementes secas e embebidas das linhagens. Há express o di


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