ASPECTOS MORFOLóGICOS DO PROVENTRíCULO E VENTRíCULO GáSTRICO DE Crypturellus parvirostris (WAGLER, 1827)Keywords: Crypturellus parvirostris , morphology , Tinamidae. Abstract: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the morphological characteristics of the proventriculus and gastric ventricle of Crypturellus parvirostris. Two adult males were used, with a mean weight of 939 ± 12.7 g, from the region of Araguaína, State of Tocantins. After capture, the birds were euthanized through intravenous application of 2.5% sodium thiopental until barbiturate coma was attained. Then, they were necropsied and their organs and viscera were evaluated morphologically. The anatomical and histological characteristics of the proventriculus and gastric ventricle of C. parvirostris were similar to those of other tinamid species, but there is a lack of morphological data related to the family Tinamidae.