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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Evaluation of Corrosion Behaviour of Grey Cast Iron and Low Alloy Steel in Cocoa Liquor and Well Water

DOI: 10.4236/jmmce.2013.12009, PP. 44-48

Keywords: Corrosion, Grey Cast Iron, Low Alloy Steel, Cocoa Liquor, Well Water

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Corrosion behaviour of cast iron and low alloy steel in cocoa liquor and well water was investigated. The average weight losses of the specimens were measured using digital weighing balance. The results showed that the weight losses of both cast iron and low alloy steel in both media increases with time. Corrosion rate of cast iron in cocoa liquor increases rapidly with time for up to 336 hours (1000 μm/yr), but in well water the rapid rate of corrosion only lasted up to 187 hours (1160 μm/yr) thereafter it continuously dropping until 264 hours (667 μm/yr) after which it remains constant. Low alloy steel corroded faster in cocoa liquor up to 264 hours (200 μm/yr), whereas the initial rapid corrosion rate only lasted up to 168 hours (180 μm/yr) in well water environment. The results revealed that low alloy steel exhibited better corrosion resistance in both media, with cocoa liquor been more aggressive. Thus, low alloy steel will be a better material for piping and pumping system in cocoa processing industries.


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