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Safety and efficacy of pemetrexed in gynecologic cancers: A systematic literature review

DOI: 10.4236/mc.2013.22004, PP. 19-32

Keywords: Pemetrexed, Ovarian, Cervical

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Gynecologic cancers represent a significant problem worldwide. Advanced, recurrent gynecologic cancers are often refractory to chemo-therapy, so new treatment regimens are needed. Pemetrexed is a third-generation, multi-targeted antifolate that has been approved for use in non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer and malignant pleural mesothelioma in both the United States and European Union. This paper reviews the safety and efficacy of pemetrexed in gynecologic cancers, which were defined as maligancies of the ovaries (including fallopian tubes and primary peritoneum), uterine endometrium, and uterine cervix. A search of English-language literature via PubMed and American Society of Clinical Oncology proceedings was performed from database inception to June 2012. Thirteen clinical trials involving the use of pemetrexed (alone and in combination with other agents) in gynecologic cancers were identified. These were phase I and phase II trials; there were 9 studies in ovarian cancer, 1 study in endometrial cancer, and 3 studies in cervical cancer. Pemetrexed with vitamin supplementation was tolerable in all clinical trials and had activity in ovarian and cervical cancers. Therefore, it may be reasonable to further explore the use of pemetrexed in ovarian and cervical malignancies.


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