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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Interpreting the Phase Spectrum in Fourier Analysis of Partial Ranking Data

DOI: 10.1155/2012/579050

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Whenever ranking data are collected, such as in elections, surveys, and database searches, it is frequently the case that partial rankings are available instead of, or sometimes in addition to, full rankings. Statistical methods for partial rankings have been discussed in the literature. However, there has been relatively little published on their Fourier analysis, perhaps because the abstract nature of the transforms involved impede insight. This paper provides as its novel contributions an analysis of the Fourier transform for partial rankings, with particular attention to the first three ranks, while emphasizing on basic signal processing properties of transform magnitude and phase. It shows that the transform and its magnitude satisfy a projection invariance and analyzes the reconstruction of data from either magnitude or phase alone. The analysis is motivated by appealing to corresponding properties of the familiar DFT and by application to two real-world data sets. 1. Introduction Ranking data, which arise in scenarios such as elections or database searches, describe how many times a given ordering of objects is chosen. It is frequently the case that when, ranking data are collected, partial ranking data are obtained in addition to, or perhaps instead of, full rankings. A partial or incomplete ranking only specifies the ordering of the top out of possibilities and usually indicates that the ranker is either unable to, or indifferent to, the ordering of the remaining items. Full ranking data are obviously a special case of partial ranking data. A classic approach is to treat full ranking data for items as a function on the symmetric group ; for each permutation , the value of is the number of times the ordering represented by that permutation is chosen [1]. For example, if 3 items are ranked, then is the number of times the survey respondents chose to rank item 2 first, item 1 second, followed by 3. As discussed in more detail below, partial ranking data also form functions on that are piecewise constant over cosets of the subgroup fixing the first items. The analysis of ranking data, including both full and partial rankings, is well established. Statistical methods exist both for data in the “time domain” (using signal processing terminology), which in this case is the permutation group , and in the “frequency domain” that is obtained through Fourier analysis on the group. Recent papers by Lebanon and Mao [2] and Hall and Miller [3] explore, respectively, the nonparametric modeling and bootstrap analysis of partial ranking data in the time domain.


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