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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



InfraMatics  2013 

On Infrasound Standards, Part 1 Time, Frequency, and Energy Scaling

DOI: 10.4236/inframatics.2013.22002, PP. 13-35

Keywords: Infrasound, Standards, Meteor

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A standardized, self-similar, multiresolution algorithm is developed for scaling infrasonic signal time, frequency, and power within the framework of fractional octave bands. This work extends accepted fractional octave band schemas to 0.001 Hz (1000 s periods) to facilitate the analysis of broadband signals as well as the deep acoustic-gravity and Lamb waves captured by the global infrasound network. The Infrasonic Energy, Nth Octave (INFERNO) multiresolutionEnergy Estimator is applied to computing the total acoustic energy of the Russian meteor signature recorded in the 45mHz-9 Hz frequency band by IMS array 131KZ, Kazakhstan.


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