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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




A Low Cost and Versatile STED Superresolution Fluorescent Microscope

DOI: 10.4236/mi.2013.23007, PP. 41-48

Keywords: Stimulated Emission-Depletion Microscopy, STED

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A versatile and inexpensive super-resolution fluorescent microscope that functions as easily as a conventional confocal microscope is described. Components of the microscope were designed on a platform which was placed atop a surplus microscope frame. All optical components and equipments used are given. The excitation and depletion beams are extracted from a compact low-cost supercontinuum light source. The focal spot of the depletion beam at the focal plane is studied and imaged by a 100 nm aperture near-field fiber tip. The collinear excitation and depletion beam focused by a 0.9 numerical aperture microscope objective produce a 90 nm lateral super-resolution as verified by imaging 100 nm diameter fluorescent beads.


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