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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Effects of Gas Metal Arc Welding Techniques on the Mechanical Properties of Duplex Stainless Steel

DOI: 10.4236/jmmce.2013.15035, PP. 222-230

Keywords: Duplex Stainless Steel, Welding Techniques, Tensile Strength, Hardness Number, Impact Energy, Heat Treatment

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The study has compared the effect of gas metal arc welding techniques on some mechanical properties of duplex stainless steel. The samples after welded were given post weld heat treatment (quenching in engine and neem oil). After the analyses, it was established that duplex stainless steel can be weld successfully using gas metal arc welding process (GMAW). Both Lubricating oil and neem oil can serve as quenching medium for post welding heat treatment of duplex stainless steel. The results of the studies also show that welding and heat treatment really affect the mechanical properties of the alloy; the control strength was 811.47 MN/m2 while that of the welded samples ranged from 177.07 to 257.32 MN/m2. The control impact energy was 162.70 J, while that of the welded samples ranged from 38.64 J to 56.20 J. The research also shows that the stress relief heat treatment gives better strength (A3 = 331 MN/m2) compared to those that were quenched in lubricating oil (A2 = 329 MN/m2) and neem oil (A1 = 222 MN/m2), but the reverse is the case in terms of toughness.


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