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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Crystallographic Study of Uranium-Thorium Bearing Minerals in Tranomaro, South-East Madagascar

DOI: 10.4236/jmmce.2013.16053, PP. 347-352

Keywords: Tranomaro, Madagascar, Uranothorianite, Crystallography, XRD

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Studies are undertaken to characterize the uranium and thorium minerals of south-east Madagascar. Seven selected uranothorianite bearing pyroxenites samples from old abandoned uranium quarries in Tranomaro, south Amboasary, Madagascar (46°28'00\"E, 24°36'00\"S) have been collected. To determine the mineral micro-structure, they were investigated for qualitative identification of crystalline compounds by using X-ray powder diffraction analytical method (XRD). Results showed that the uranium and thorium compounds, as minor elements, were present in various crystalline structures. Thorium, as thorianite, is present in a simple ThO2 cubic crystalline system, whereas the uranium component of the Tranomaro uranothorianite samples is oxide-based and is a mixture of complex oxidation states and crys-talline systems. Generally called uraninite, its oxide compounds are present in more than eight phases.


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