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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Search for the Anomalous Interactions of Up-Type Heavy Quarks in Collision at the LHC

DOI: 10.1155/2014/315826

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We investigate the anomalous interactions of heavy up-type quark in a collision at the LHC. We have obtained 95% confidence level (CL) limit of ( ) anomalous coupling by taking into account three forward detector acceptances: , , and . 1. Introduction The Standard Model (SM) ensures a conspicuously successful description of high energy physics at an energy scale of up to a few hundred GeV. However, the number of fermion families is arbitrary in the Standard Model (SM). The only limitation on number of fermion families comes from asymptotic freedom . We should use at least three fermion families to obtain CP violation [1] in the SM. CP violation could explain the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe. The SM with three families is not enough to show the reel magnitude for matter-antimatter asymmetry of universe. However, this problem can be solved when the number of family reaches four [2]. Also, the existence of three or four families is equally consistent with the updated electroweak precision data [3, 4]. The possible discovery of the fourth SM family may help to respond to some unanswered questions about electroweak symmetry breaking [5–7], fermion’s mass and mixing pattern [8–10], and flavor structure of the SM [11–14]. Higgs boson is a theoretical particle that is suggested by the SM. Many experiments were conducted so far to detect Higgs boson. A boson consistent with this boson was a detected in 2012, but it may take quite time to demonstrate certainly whether this particle is indeed a Higgs boson. If the lately surveyed 125?GeV boson is Higgs boson of the SM [15, 16], the presence of the fourth family would be disfavoured [17–19]. Besides, a theory with extended Higgs sector beyond the SM [20] can still include a fourth fermion family even though the 125?GeV boson is one of the forecasted extended Higgs bosons. Moreover, the other models estimate the presence of a heavy quark as a partner to the top quark [21, 22]. Current bounds on the masses of the fourth SM fermion families are given as follows: ?GeV [23], ?GeV [24], ?GeV, ?GeV for Dirac (Majorana) neutrinos [25]. When we analyze our results we have taken into account LHC limits in ?TeV. For this purpose, we have assumed mass to be greater than its current experimental limits. The fourth SM quarks would be produced abundantly in pairs at the LHC via the strong interaction for masses below O(1?TeV) [26–29], with fairly large cross sections. The exact designation of their properties can ensure important advantage in the determination of new physics which is established upon high energy


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