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ISSN: 2333-9721




Physics Potential of Long-Baseline Experiments

DOI: 10.1155/2014/457803

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The discovery of neutrino mixing and oscillations over the past decade provides firm evidence for new physics beyond the Standard Model. Recently, has been determined to be moderately large, quite close to its previous upper bound. This represents a significant milestone in establishing the three-flavor oscillation picture of neutrinos. It has opened up exciting prospects for current and future long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments towards addressing the remaining fundamental questions, in particular the type of the neutrino mass hierarchy and the possible presence of a CP-violating phase. Another recent and crucial development is the indication of non-maximal 2-3 mixing angle, causing the octant ambiguity of . In this paper, I will review the phenomenology of long-baseline neutrino oscillations with a special emphasis on sub-leading three-flavor effects, which will play a crucial role in resolving these unknowns. First, I will give a brief description of neutrino oscillation phenomenon. Then, I will discuss our present global understanding of the neutrino mass-mixing parameters and will identify the major unknowns in this sector. After that, I will present the physics reach of current generation long-baseline experiments. Finally, I will conclude with a discussion on the physics capabilities of accelerator-driven possible future long-baseline precision oscillation facilities. 1. Introduction and Motivation We are going through an exciting phase when the light of new findings is breaking apart our long-held understanding of the Standard Model of particle physics. This revolution started in part with the widely confirmed claim that neutrinos have mass, and it will continue to be waged by currently running and upcoming neutrino experiments. Over the last fifteen years or so, fantastic data from world-class experiments involving neutrinos from the sun [1–7], the Earth atmosphere [8, 9], nuclear reactors [10–16], and accelerators [17–22] have firmly established the phenomenon of neutrino flavor oscillations [23, 24]. This implies that neutrinos have mass and they mix with each other, providing an exclusive example of experimental evidence for physics beyond the Standard Model. The most recent development in the field of neutrinos is the discovery of the smallest lepton mixing angle . Finally, it has been measured to be nonzero with utmost confidence by the reactor neutrino experiments Daya Bay [13] and RENO [14]. They have found a moderately large value of :? [13],? [14],which is in perfect agreement with the data provided by the another reactor


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