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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Cross-Layer Framework for Multiuser Real Time H.264/AVC Video Encoding and Transmission over Block Fading MIMO Channels Using Outage Probability

DOI: 10.1155/2014/362196

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We present a framework for cross-layer optimized real time multiuser encoding of video using a single layer H.264/AVC and transmission over MIMO wireless channels. In the proposed cross-layer adaptation, the channel of every user is characterized by the probability density function of its channel mutual information and the performance of the H.264/AVC encoder is modeled by a rate distortion model that takes into account the channel errors. These models are used during the resource allocation of the available slots in a TDMA MIMO communication system with capacity achieving channel codes. This framework allows for adaptation to the statistics of the wireless channel and to the available resources in the system and utilization of the multiuser diversity of the transmitted video sequences. We show the effectiveness of the proposed framework for video transmission over Rayleigh MIMO block fading channels, when channel distribution information is available at the transmitter. 1. Introduction The telecommunication industry is expected to benefit greatly from the transmission of video. Great portion of this video traffic will be real time, so, real time multiuser video transmission is expected to become a common service. The optimal real time video transmission over wireless channels is still an open problem. This is due to the complexity and requirements of the video coding process and the severity of the wireless channel. Namely, real time video requires variable bit rates and low delay, the wireless system has limited resources (bandwidth and power) and the wireless channel itself is time varying [1]. Previous research results [1–3] have shown that cross-layer adaptation can result in substantial performance improvement compared to treating the different layers as isolated entities. Here, we utilize the implementation of the cross-layer principle for real time H.264 single layer video encoding and transmission in systems that use capacity achieving codes presented in [4] and extend the concept to a multiuser MIMO TDMA system. It has been shown that the utilization of the multiuser principle can improve system performance in a video streaming scenario [5, 6], but the joint cross-layer optimization for real time H.264/AVC single layer video encoding and transmission in a multiuser wireless system based on outage probability has not been addressed yet. The novelty of our work is in proposing a cross-layer framework for optimized real time transmission and encoding of video from multiple users in a TDMA wireless system using capacity achieving channel coding


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