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ISSN: 2333-9721




Soil Carbon Sequestration Resulting from Biosolids Application

DOI: 10.1155/2014/821768

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Carbon (C) sequestration in soils through the increase of the soil organic carbon (SOC) pool has generated broad interest to mitigate the effects of climate change. Biosolids soil application may represent a persistent increase in the SOC pool. While a vast literature is available on the value of biosolids as a soil conditioner or nutrient source in agricultural systems, there is still limited knowledge on soil sequestration mechanisms of biosolids-borne C or the main factors influencing this capacity. The emerging challenges posed by global environmental changes and the stringent needs to enhance C storage call for more research on the potential of soil biosolids incorporation as a sustainable C storage practice. This review addresses the potential of C sequestration of agricultural soils and opencast mines amended with biosolids and its biological regulation. 1. Introduction Increasing concern about global climate change has led to growing interest in developing feasible methods to reduce the atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases (GHGs) [1]. Among GHGs, atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) accounts for 60% of the global warming [2]. The atmospheric concentration of CO2 increased from 280 parts per million (ppm) in the preindustrial era to the present 395?ppm [3]. This increase is attributed to combustion of carbon based fuels, cement manufacturing, deforestation, burning of biomass, and land-use conversion, including soil tillage and animal husbandry. Soil C capture and storage is gaining global attention because of its role as a long-term C reservoir, low cost, and environmentally friendly means to minimize climate change. Soil C pool is the largest terrestrial C pool, constituting approximately two-thirds of the total C in ecosystems [4]. It is estimated at 2500?Pg to 1-m depth, with the biotic pool estimated at 560?Pg and characterized by fast turnover rates as compared to other natural compartments. The oceanic and geological pools are estimated at 39000?Pg and 5000–10000?Pg, respectively, whereas the atmospheric pool is estimated at 780?Pg [5]. Therefore, total soil C pool is about 4, 1 times the biotic pool and 3 times the atmospheric pool. Soil organic carbon (SOC) includes plant, animal, and microbial residues in all stages of decomposition. SOC represents a balance between inputs, mostly via primary productivity or organic amendments, and outputs via decomposition [6]. Land application of organic amendments is a management practice that enhances SOC in the short term [7, 8]. In the last decades, the production of organic urban wastes such as


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