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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Nickel in Soil Modifies Sensitivity to Diazinon Measured by the Activity of Acetylcholinesterase, Catalase, and Glutathione S-Transferase in Earthworm Eisenia fetida

DOI: 10.1155/2013/642098

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Nickel in typical soils is present in a very low concentration, but in the contaminated soils it occurs in locally elevated concentrations. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of nickel in the concentrations of 300 (very high, close to LOEC for reproduction) and 900 (extremely high, close to LOEC for mortality) mg/kg dry soil on the life history and acetylcholinesterase, catalase, and glutathione S-transferase activities in earthworm Eisenia fetida and to establish how nickel modifies the sensitivity to organophosphorous pesticide—diazinon. Cocoons production and juveniles’ number were significantly lower only in groups exposed to Ni in the concentration of 900?mg/kg dry soil for two months. Diazinon administration diminished the AChE activity in the GI tract and in the body wall. The interaction between diazinon and nickel was observed, and, in consequence, the AChE activity after the pesticide treatment was similar to controls in worms preexposed to nickel. Both pesticide administration and exposure to nickel caused an increase in the GST activity in examined organs and CAT activity in body wall. Both biometric and development data and simple enzymatic analysis, especially the AChE and GST, show a Ni pretreatment effect on the subsequent susceptibility to pesticide. 1. Introduction Eisenia fetida is a frequently used earthworm in toxicological and ecotoxicological investigations, since the standardized tests have been launched and commonly approved, and respecting all limits reassumed by Scott-Fordsmand and Weeks [1], Furst [2], and Spurgeon et al. [3], the obtained results may be compared and used as a background in further toxicological experiments. Nickel, generally, is present in soil in very low concentrations, but in some extreme ecosystems, for example, soils contaminated with pig manure [4] and ultramafic soils [5, 6], Ni should be treated as a main toxic and life-limiting factor, and its hyperaccumulation in invertebrates inhabiting this milieu is observed [7]. Earthworms are not only the passive subject of exposition to metals in soils, but, being an important component of soil ecosystems, they could play a significant role in further bioavailability and toxicity of metals [8]. Toxicity of nickel to earthworms was studied by Scott-Fordsmand et al. [9]; the authors of a 4-week experiment on Eisenia veneta established some key parameters like “no observable effect concentration” (NOEC), “lowest observable effect concentration” (LOEC), and EC10 and EC50 for mortality and reproduction endpoints. NOEC and LOEC for mortality were


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