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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




A Nanotechnology Enhancement to Moore's Law

DOI: 10.1155/2013/426962

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Intel Moore observed an exponential doubling in the number of transistors in every 18 months through the size reduction of transistor components since 1965. In viewing of mobile computing with insatiate appetite, we explored the necessary enhancement by an increasingly maturing nanotechnology and facing the inevitable quantum-mechanical atomic and nuclei limits. Since we cannot break down the atomic size barrier, the fact implies a fundamental size limit at the atomic/nucleus scale. This means, no more simple 18-month doubling, but other forms of transistor doubling may happen at a different slope. We are particularly interested in the nano enhancement area. (i) 3 Dimensions: If the progress in shrinking the in-plane dimensions is to slow down, vertical integration can help increasing the areal device transistor density. As the devices continue to shrink into the 20 to 30?nm range, the consideration of thermal properties and transport in such devices becomes increasingly important. (ii) Quantum computing: The other types of transistor material are rapidly developed in laboratories worldwide, for example, Spintronics, Nanostorage, HP display Nanotechnology, which are modifying this Law. We shall consider the limitation of phonon engineering fundamental information unit “Qubyte” in quantum computing, Nano/Micro Electrical Mechanical System (NEMS), Carbon Nanotubes, single-layer Graphenes, single-strip Nano-Ribbons, and so forth. 1. Introduction There have been numerous papers and scientists’ experiments about the lives and deaths of Moore’s Law which are dealing with several technological issues and economics barriers. Indeed, looking at the history of integrated circuits from 1975 to 2011, a doubling of transistor counts every twenty-four months was a good estimation. This prediction, known as Moore’s Law, has become a business dictum for the whole semiconductor industry. However, “what the Moore’s Law is” and “how did it came about” are not clear. We observe that Moore’s Law has expanded beyond its original intentions/meaning. The definition of Moore’s Law has come to refer to almost anything related to the semiconductor industry that, when plotted on semilog paper, approximates a straight line [1]. In this work, by reviewing Moore’s Law history, investigating possible barriers for Moore’s Law, and predicting potential nanotechnologies to enhance Moore’s Law, we define a roadmap of future key technologies. In addition, we also estimate the end of Moore’s Law, assuming we focus on technical capabilities. 2. Moore’s Law History Alan Turing in his 1950


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