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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Preparation of Nanosilver and Nanogold Based on Dog Rose Aqueous Extract

DOI: 10.1155/2014/658935

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This paper describes a process of obtaining nanosilver and nanogold based on chemical reduction using substances contained in the aqueous extract of dog rose (Rosa canina). The resulting products were subjected to spectrophotometric analysis (UV-Vis), and testing of the nanoparticles’ size and suspension stability was carried out by measuring the electrokinetic potential, , via dynamic light scattering (DLS). Solid samples were imaged by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The obtained data were given to statistical analysis in order to illustrate the properties of the suspension depending on the values of the input parameters: metal salts concentration, pH of the reaction mixture, and process temperature. In the course of the work, samples of nanosilver and nanogold were obtained, which were stable for over two months and which had a monomodal particle size distribution. 1. Introduction Nanosilver and nanogold are considered two of the most useful commercial products belonging to the group of nanomaterials. Recently their use has reached one of the highest levels of cost-effectiveness [1]. Many years of research have contributed to the confirmation of the centuries old argument that silver and gold slow down the functioning of bacteria. Therefore, in the daily exposure of animal organisms to microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, or fungi, nanosilver and nanogold play a key role in antiseptic action [2]. Medicine, nursing, cosmetology, dentistry, and the construction industry belong to areas that take advantage of the benefits of nanosilver and nanogold to the greatest extent [3]. There are many known methods that are described in detail for the synthesis of nanosilver and nanogold. These include, among others: chemical reduction [4, 5]. This can be replaced with a procedure that is in accordance with the principles of “clean technologies.” With the development of nanotechnology, ecological methods have become an alternative to conventional processes that are not always compatible with the principles of green chemistry and are therefore environmentally nonindifferent [6]. The possibility of reducing the need to use substances that pose a potential threat to the environment is an important feature of ecological methods. The low cost of reduction is an additional property, as the process does not require the involvement of specialised laboratory equipment. The simplicity of the whole process is an additional feature [5, 7–10]. An important issue is the provision of a process for the synthesis of nanosilver or nanogold that is environmentally friendly.


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