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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Display of the Viral Epitopes on Lactococcus lactis: A Model for Food Grade Vaccine against EV71

DOI: 10.1155/2013/431315

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In this study, we have developed a system for display of antigens of Enterovirus type 71 (EV71) on the cell surface of L. lactis. The viral capsid protein (VP1) gene from a local viral isolate was utilized as the candidate vaccine for the development of oral live vaccines against EV71 using L. lactis as a carrier. We expressed fusion proteins in E. coli and purified fusion proteins were incubated with L. lactis. We confirmed that mice orally fed with L. lactis displaying these fusion proteins on its surface were able to mount an immune response against the epitopes of EV71. This is the first example of an EV71 antigen displayed on the surface of a food grade organism and opens a new perspective for alternative vaccine strategies against the EV71. We believe that the method of protein docking utilized in this study will allow for more flexible presentations of short peptides and proteins on the surface of L. lactis to be useful as a delivery vehicle. 1. Introduction Enterovirus 71 infection manifests most frequently as the childhood illness known as hand-foot- and-mouth disease (HFMD) and is considered to be clinically indistinguishable from HFMD caused by Coxsackie A16 (CA16). However, the former has the propensity to cause neurological disease during acute infection, a feature not observed in CA16 infections [1]. Children under 5 years of age are partichltularly susceptible to the more severe forms of EV71-associated neurological disease, including aseptic meningitis, brainstem or cerebellar encephalitis, and acute flaccid paralysis. Several large epidemics of severe EV71 infection in young children, including numerous cases of fatal brainstem encephalitis, have recently been reported in South East Asia and Western Australia [2–6] raising concern that there may be an increase in both the prevalence and virulence of EV71. Two candidate vaccines against EV71 utilizing a formalin-inactivated whole virus and a DNA vaccine expressing VP1 have previously been developed [7]. In addition, both recombinant and subunit vaccine strategies optimized as a neutralizing antibody had been shown to provide some protection against EV71 lethal challenges in neonatal mice [8]. The use of a live, food grade organism that is noninvasive and nonpathogenic as antigen delivery vehicle is a promising vaccine strategy. This strategy could overcome potential problems due to the use of live attenuated enteroviral strains, which may have the risk of reversion and residual virulence. The immunogenicity by L. lactis expressing several bacterial and viral antigens has been documented


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