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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




SIVIC: Open-Source, Standards-Based Software for DICOM MR Spectroscopy Workflows

DOI: 10.1155/2013/169526

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Quantitative analysis of magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) data provides maps of metabolic parameters that show promise for improving medical diagnosis and therapeutic monitoring. While anatomical images are routinely reconstructed on the scanner, formatted using the DICOM standard, and interpreted using PACS workstations, this is not the case for MRSI data. The evaluation of MRSI data is made more complex because files are typically encoded with vendor-specific file formats and there is a lack of standardized tools for reconstruction, processing, and visualization. SIVIC is a flexible open-source software framework and application suite that enables a complete scanner-to-PACS workflow for evaluation and interpretation of MRSI data. It supports conversion of vendor-specific formats into the DICOM MR spectroscopy (MRS) standard, provides modular and extensible reconstruction and analysis pipelines, and provides tools to support the unique visualization requirements associated with such data. Workflows are presented which demonstrate the routine use of SIVIC to support the acquisition, analysis, and delivery to PACS of clinical 1H MRSI datasets at UCSF. 1. Introduction MR spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) is a powerful imaging technique that provides spatially resolved metabolic information. It has been used together with anatomical and functional imaging to improve diagnostic specificity in multiple diseases, and it shows promise for improving treatment planning and the ability to monitor therapeutic response [1–11]. Despite great interest in this technology from the research and clinical communities, the adoption of advanced MRSI methods has been relatively slow, with a relatively limited number of studies having applied such techniques in clinical trials of new therapies. A major limitation in integrating MRSI into these studies has been the lack of commercially available methods for visualization and interpretation of the data. For conventional 3D imaging, the use of the DICOM [12] standard has resulted in a great deal of interoperability between software packages, imaging archives, and data. However, despite the existence of a DICOM standard for encoding MRSI data [13], current datasets are still created with vendor-specific proprietary formats. This results in a low degree of interoperability between imaging devices, picture archiving and communication systems (PACS), and software packages for analyzing the data. This situation is particularly problematic for multicenter collaborations, which require complicated workflows and file format


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