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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Security Visiting: RFID-Based Smartphone Indoor Guiding System

DOI: 10.1155/2014/212741

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This paper presents a security visiting guiding system SVG composed of RFID, smart phone, and Wi-Fi signal widely available. The SVG system can provide visitors with the map of a given building, so that the visitor can easily find the target under its guide. It can also protect user’s privacy location information by cryptographic two-dimension code and RFID. The two-dimension code can be easily obtained by a mobile phone and it authorizes a visitor to obtain the navigation service of SVG. The visitor receives the permission from his host and makes a date through SVG. Then, SVG will navigate both the persons to meet at any place in the building. Furthermore, this paper demonstrates and evaluates the SVG security scheme. We conduct an attacker model and test the ability of the scheme in protecting user’s location security. 1. Introduction Recently, people have achieved universal interpersonal communication with the help of modern devices, such as mobile phone and Internet. It brings huge benefits and convenience to the human relationship. However, such improvement on interpersonal communication might be abused so that the private information and property are divulged or lost. Especially, deliberate attacker or thieves always take advantage of a weak point in some open occasions. For example, some offices or labs can be arbitrarily accessed in many universities. Thus, some instrument and apparatus may often be misplaced and lost, or even be stolen sometimes. In this case, as such valuable devices may be lost, the open offices or labs will not be well used by the students. In another case, some private information, such as phone number or personal address, can be leaked when a stranger visits a host. The host may be willing to meet the stranger in a public place rather than personal addresses. Meanwhile, the host does not know the stranger and do not want to leak his personal phone number. This is another challenge. This paper considers two scenarios: meeting stranger and managing valuable things, such as instrument and apparatus. These two scenarios seem to be not related to each other but the common point between these two scenarios is that a host meets/tracks an unknown or uncontrollable object. There are technologies to ensure that strangers can find each other by smartphones given the condition that the phone numbers are known [1]. In this paper, we address the same situation without the personal phone number being leaked. Considering another scenario, valuable objects in an open place could be easily lost. Previous work designed a tiny device equipped


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