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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Haptoglobin Genotype-Dependent Anti-Inflammatory Signaling in CD163+ Macrophages

DOI: 10.1155/2013/980327

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Intraplaque hemorrhage causes adaptive remodelling of macrophages towards a protective phenotype specialized towards handling iron and lipid overload, denoted Mhem. The Mhem phenotype expresses elevated levels of hemoglobin (Hb) scavenger receptor, CD163, capable of endocytosing pro-oxidant free Hb complexed to acute phase protein haptoglobin (Hp). It is notable that individuals homozygous for the Hp 2 allele (a poorer antioxidant) are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease compared to the Hp 1 allele. In this study, we examined whether scavenging of polymorphic Hp:Hb complexes differentially generated downstream anti-inflammatory signals in cultured human macrophages culminating in interleukin (IL)-10 secretion. We describe an anti-inflammatory signalling pathway involving phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase activation upstream of Akt phosphorylation (pSer473Akt) and IL-10 secretion. The pathway is mediated specifically through CD163 and is blocked by anti-CD163 antibody or phagocytosis inhibitor. However, levels of pSer473Akt and IL-10 were significantly diminished when scavenging polymorphic Hp2-2:Hb complexes compared to Hp1-1:Hb complexes . Impaired anti-inflammatory macrophage signaling through a CD163/pAkt/IL-10 axis may thus represent a possible Hp2-2 disease mechanism in atherosclerosis. 1. Introduction Intraplaque hemorrhage is a common complication of atherosclerosis and is linked to plaque progression, especially in diabetes [1–4]. However, work from independent groups has demonstrated that macrophages at zones of hemorrhage may exert some level of homeostatic control through adaptive remodelling towards an Mhem phenotype capable of handling iron and lipid overload [5–7]. Scavenging of haptoglobin:hemoglobin (Hp:Hb) complexes via CD163 is part of this adaptive process, linked to secretion of anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin (IL)-10 and elevation of heme oxygenase (HO)-1 [8–10]. Analogous protective pathways are evoked by free diffusion of purified heme or by phagocytosis of damaged erythrocytes via CD204, leading to the proposal that a final common pathway is instigated by accumulation of intracellular heme capable of transcriptionally activating genes involved in iron handling and cholesterol efflux (e.g., HO-1 and liver X receptor) via transcription factors Nrf2 and activating transcription factor (ATF)-1 [11, 12]. Although the atheroprotective properties of the Mhem macrophage phenotype is therefore well established, the role of proximal signalling pathways linked to anti-inflammatory IL-10 secretion via CD163-dependent uptake of


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