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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Performance Modeling for FPGAs: Extending the Roofline Model with High-Level Synthesis Tools

DOI: 10.1155/2013/428078

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The potential of FPGAs as accelerators for high-performance computing applications is very large, but many factors are involved in their performance. The design for FPGAs and the selection of the proper optimizations when mapping computations to FPGAs lead to prohibitively long developing time. Alternatives are the high-level synthesis (HLS) tools, which promise a fast design space exploration due to design at high-level or analytical performance models which provide realistic performance expectations, potential impediments to performance, and optimization guidelines. In this paper we propose the combination of both, in order to construct a performance model for FPGAs which is able to visually condense all the helpful information for the designer. Our proposed model extends the roofline model, by considering the resource consumption and the parameters used in the HLS tools, to maximize the performance and the resource utilization within the area of the FPGA. The proposed model is applied to optimize the design exploration of a class of window-based image processing applications using two different HLS tools. The results show the accuracy of the model as well as its flexibility to be combined with any HLS tool. 1. Introduction Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are a programmable and massively parallel architecture offering great performance potential for computing intensive applications. For applications with insufficient performance on a multicore CPU, FPGAs are a promising solution. However, the design effort for FPGAs requires detailed knowledge of hardware and significant time consumption. A performance analysis is required in order to estimate the achievable level of performance for a particular application, even before starting the implementation. Moreover, these models identify potential bottlenecks, the most appropriate optimizations, and maximum peaks of performance. On the other hand, the new generation of high-level synthesis (HLS) tools promised to reduce the development time and to automate the compilation and synthesis flow for FPGAs. By designing at high level, using C/C++ or even OpenCL languages, the compilers are able to generate parallel implementations of loops, containing large number of operations with limited data dependencies. Also, much of the debugging and verification can be performed at a high level rather than at the RTL code level, offering a faster design space exploration (DSE). The purpose of this work is to present an insight model, in a similar fashion to the roofline model proposed by William et al. [1], where the


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