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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Blood Cell Profile of the Developing Tadpoles and Adults of the Ornate Frog, Microhyla ornata (Anura: Microhylidae)

DOI: 10.1155/2013/716183

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Metamorphosis happens to be an important event in the lifetime of amphibians. Our study offers a record of blood cell profile of laboratory reared tadpoles during development and metamorphosis (Gosner stage 26 to 46) and adults of Microhyla ornata. The larval erythrocytes were observed to be circular, oval, and elliptical in shape. However, other variations were distinct during the prometamorphic and metamorphic stages. Crenulated erythrocytes showed a pattern of appearance, and the crenulations varied from minute serrations to highly spiked projections. Correlations between the morphometric values of erythrocytes during the larval development were also determined. The leukocyte profile of the tadpoles showed a high percentage of lymphocytes during larval development while the percentage of monocytes, eosinophils, and neutrophils remained high during metamorphosis and were positively correlated with the developing stages. Blood thrombocytes of the tadpoles were small and were found in clusters. Elliptical erythrocytes were the most common in the adult frogs. However, few erythrocytes were also circular in shape. In adults, the percentage of lymphocytes was found to be more in comparison with the other leucocytes, and neutrophils showed various polymorphic forms. Thrombocytes were nucleated and spindle shaped. 1. Introduction Metamorphosis in amphibians is often a time of dramatic developmental change affecting nearly the entire organism and has been a subject of investigation in several directions [1, 2]. During this time, a large proportion of the animal’s structure changes, the larva, and adults are unrecognizable as being the same individual. Interestingly, these two phases have opposing effects on tissues as in the first phase, there is growth and development of tissues and increase in body size, and in the second phase, massive tissue reconstruction and breakdown leading to a reduction in overall body size occurs [3]. This brings about changes morphologically, physiologically and behaviorally to prepare for a new mode of existence. Herpetologists are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of hematological parameters for evaluating the welfare of their study animals [4]. Interpretation of the hematological parameters offers valuable pieces of information concerning the health status of the organism [4]. The erythrocyte size has also been described to be used in ploidy determination [5]. The effects of the phenomenon of tissue growth and lysis on the relative distribution of white blood cells in circulation have been considered as an important


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