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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Composted Rice Husk Improves the Growth and Biochemical Parameters of Sunflower Plants

DOI: 10.1155/2014/427648

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The present study investigated the effects of composted rice husk (5 and 26; 10?g/2?kg of soil/pot) on growth and biochemical parameters of sunflower plants at the 30th and 60th day of germination. Result showed significant improvement in growth and biochemical parameters of plants as compared to control plants treated with uncomposted organic fertilizer. However, the effects vary with the microbial treatments involved in the composting of rice husk like composted with T. hamatum (JUF1), bradyrhizobium sp-II (JUR2) alone, and JUF1 in combination with Rhizobium sp-I (JUR1) were found effective in improving the shoot and root lengths, total chlorophyll, carbohydrate, crude protein, and mineral (nitrogen and phosphorus) content of sunflower plants. It indicates that composted rice husk with improved total carbohydrate and protein contents may increase the soil fertility by improving its organic content. 1. Introduction Agriculture plays an important role in economy of developing countries like Pakistan. However, rapid crop production with inappropriate farming practices deteriorate organic matter in soil, which results in decreased microbial activity that eventually affect its physical, chemical, and biological conditions [1] which leads to decline in land productivity and crop yields. To solve this problem, synthetic fertilizers were always thought to be a better way to improve the soil fertility and crop productivity but unfortunately the excessive use of these creates a number of serious environmental and health risks [2]. To minimize these hazards, naturally occurring organic fertilizers, namely, animal and plant manures, fall residues, and food and urban wastes are better alternate of commercially available fertilizers. Reports proved that organic farming improves soil composition, fertility, and soil fauna which in the long run have a beneficial effect on crop production [3]. For example, organic modification of soil with rice husk was found effective in the yield of many crops like cowpea and rice which saved 31–70% Parkia biglobosa from wilting caused by Fusarium solani and under diverse irrigation period can give good rice stand, improved grain yield, and higher water use efficiency [4, 5]. Nowadays, composting is a system of recycling the organic waste matters in extradigestible form with improved nutrient and mineral content by using beneficial microorganisms under specified conditions of temperature and aeration that could be used as compost or organic fertilizers which helps to recover the soil fertility and upgrade the crop growth [6].


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