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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Data Dissemination Protocol for Mobile Sink in Wireless Sensor Networks

DOI: 10.1155/2014/560675

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In wireless sensor networks, the sensor nodes find the route towards the sink to transmit the data. The sensor node transmits the data directly to the sink, or it relays the data through neighbor nodes. The nodes near to the sink transmit more data than other nodes. It results in the small lifetime of the network. To prolong the lifetime of the network, we use the mobile sink approach. The mobile sink makes the network dynamic. It is a challenging task to find the route in the dynamic network. In this paper, we have proposed a distributed tree-based data dissemination (TEDD) protocol with mobile sink. The protocol is validated through simulation and compared with the existing protocols using some metrics such as energy consumption, average end-to-end delay, and throughput. The experiment results show that the proposed protocol outperforms the existing protocols. 1. Introduction Sensor network is a multihop network which consists of hundreds of sensor nodes. The main resource constraint of the sensor node is the energy. Generally, sensor networks are deployed in the unattended and hostile environment such as wildlife detection, continuous environment monitoring, and military. So it is impossible to replace or recharge the battery. The main goal of the proposed paper is to develop the energy-efficient protocol to prolong the lifetime of the network. In the sensor network, the work of the sensor node is not only to sense environmental data, but also to relay those data to the sink. Sink is a resource-rich node, whose responsibility is to collect the sensed data from the sensor nodes and send it to the user via the Internet. Sensor node has constraints of limited communication range, which does not allow direct communication between source and sink. It relays the data to the sink in the multihop manner. The sensor nodes close to the sink transmit more data than the other nodes in the network. That is why they depleted their energy and died. This may result in the partition of the network. This situation is called “crowded center effect” [1] or “energy hole problem” [2]. The energy hole problem can be overcome by using the mobile sink in the network. The mobile sink moves across the network and collects the data from the sensor nodes. The movement of the sink may be random, controlled, or predefined. The mobile sink makes the network dynamic. So the data dissemination protocols for network with static sink are unsuitable for the network with the mobile sink. It is a challenge to develop energy-efficient data dissemination protocols for the mobile sink. In


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