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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




On Performance of Weighted Fusion Based Spectrum Sensing in Fading Channels

DOI: 10.1155/2013/270612

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Cognitive radio (CR) is a promising technology for efficient utilization of underutilized spectrum since it is able to detect the occupancy of primary users (PUs) in the different parts of the spectrum. As the sensing channel uncertainties limit the reliability of the spectrum sensing decision, cooperation among multiple CR users is often used to improve the spectrum sensing decision. In this paper, the performance of single CR user based spectrum sensing and cooperative CR user based spectrum sensing (CSS) has been assessed in several channels such as AWGN, log-normal, Hoyt (or Nakagami-q), Rayleigh, Rician (or Nakagami-n), Nakagami-m, and Weibull channels. The performance of two spectrum sensing schemes based on assigning weights to CR users such as (a) weighting according to sensing channel preference and (b) weighting according to the value of decision statistic is evaluated. The performance comparison between two weighting schemes under several fading channels has been made. The performance of proposed CSS has been illustrated through complementary receiver operating characteristics (CROC) for different fading channels. The effects of weighting factors (k and Rf) on overall missed detection performance are shown. The performance of CSS with OR-logic fusion as a special case is also presented for comparison purpose. 1. Introduction Cognitive radio (CR) techniques have been proposed to overcome spectrum scarcity by exploiting underutilized spectrum [1]. It allows the CR users to share the spectrum with primary users (PUs) by opportunistic access. Cognitive radio is defined as a wireless radio device that can adapt to its operating environment through sensing in order to facilitate efficient communications. The CR user can use the spectrum only when it does not create any disturbance or interference to PUs. Thus sensing of vacant spectrum is very important for successful operation of cognitive radio network. Due to the severe multipath fading, a CR may fail to notice the presence of the PU. Therefore, spectrum sensing is an important aspect of CR technology since it needs to sense the PUs accurately and quickly [2, 3]. Spectrum sensing is a hard task because of shadowing, fading, and time-varying nature of wireless channels [4]. The performance of single CR user based spectrum sensing has been studied in several channels such as additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), log-normal shadowing, Rayleigh, Nakagami- , and Weibull in [5] where the Nakagami- and Weibull distribution provide flexibility in describing the fading severity of the channel and


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