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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Synthesized Cluster Head Selection and Routing for Two Tier Wireless Sensor Network

DOI: 10.1155/2013/578241

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Large scale sensor networks can be efficiently managed by dividing them into several clusters. With the help of cluster heads, each cluster communicates using some routing schedule. It is essential to rotate the role of cluster heads in a cluster to distribute energy consumption if we do not have dedicated high energy cluster heads. Usually routing and cluster head selection for such networks have been separately solved. If cluster heads are selected with the consideration of routing and routing schedule is prepared with the consideration of selected cluster heads, it can help each other. We have proposed an integrated approach of cluster head selection and routing in two tier wireless sensor network (WSN) using Genetic Algorithm based cluster head selection with A-Star algorithm based routing method to extend life of WSN. This approach can lead to significant improvements in the network lifetime over other techniques. 1. Introduction Wireless Sensor Networks are composed of a large number of sensor nodes with limited resources in terms of energy, memory, and computation. They are operated by a small battery attached to it. This battery has some initial energy, and in every communication it dissipates a fraction of the energy. Many such communications take place during the network lifetime, and every time sensor node consumes some energy which makes battery exhaust eventually. When nodes are deployed in hostile environment or in a kind of environments where it is hard to reach, in most of the cases there is no way to recharge these batteries. Sensor nodes are used for monitoring physical phenomena like temperature, humidity, acoustic, seismic, video, and so on [1]. For large scale wireless sensor networks, applications exist in a variety of fields, including medical monitoring [2–4], environmental monitoring [5, 6], surveillance, home security, military operations, and industrial machine monitoring [7]. To fulfill the requirements of these applications, sensor network should have a lifetime long enough to cater for several months. How to prolong the network lifetime to such a long time is the vital question to design and manage sensor network systems. Randomly deployed sensor nodes in the field collect required data and send towards the base station after processing them. If the optimal path (in terms of energy consumption or quality of service) is chosen for each round of communications, nodes of that particular path may get drained of energy, and network can get partitioned soon. We consider the end of network life as soon as the network gets


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