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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Oxidative Stress Is Predominant in Female but Not in Male Patients with Autoimmune Thrombocytopenia

DOI: 10.1155/2014/720347

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As the involvement of oxidative stress (OS) in autoimmune thrombocytopenia (AITP) has been reported, a fast and rapid test for the reliable measurement of OS and antioxidant capacities (AOCs) might be a useful tool in extending current diagnostic possibilities. The free oxygen radical test (FORT) and free oxygen radical defence (FORD) assay (Callegari, Italy) are easy to perform and reliable, with results available within 15 minutes. Thirty-seven AITP patients and 37 matched healthy individuals were included in this study. All participants responded to a standard questionnaire provided by these assays. Female patients with AITP were observed to demonstrate significantly higher OS in comparison to female controls ( ) and male AITP patients ( ). The AOCs were not reduced in patients with AITP ( ). Correlation of OS with platelet count identified a weak positive correlation ( , Spearman ). The questionnaire revealed that ITP patients in comparison to healthy controls are more stressed, feel exhausted and fatigued, and eat a healthier diet. In conclusion, OS is predominant in female but not in male patients with AITP suggesting gender-specific differences in the pathomechanisms of AITP. Identification of patients with high levels of OS might be beneficial in the management of AITP. 1. Introduction Primary autoimmune thrombocytopenia (AITP) is an acquired autoimmune disorder defined by isolated thrombocytopenia and exclusion of other causes [1, 2]. The triggering event for AITP remains unknown [3]. The dominant clinical symptoms are petechia and bleeding, which generally correlate with the severity of thrombocytopenia [4]. A normal platelet count in a healthy individual is between 150 and 450 × 109?platelets/L. Most AITP patients are asymptomatic in the presence of platelet counts above 50 × 109?platelets/L [5]. The clinical manifestation of AITP is extremely variable [4] and, to date, there are no AITPspecific diagnostic markers or disease-specific therapeutic treatments available [6]. AITP embodies a prototype of a B-cell mediated autoimmune lymphoproliferative disease. Antiplatelet autoantibodies are detectable in 50–60% of patients and are thus of diagnostic relevance [7]. Autoreactive T-cells also play a significant role in the cross talk between antigen presenting cells and autoantibody producing B-cells [8]. Oxidative stress (OS) is termed as an imbalance between the systemic manifestation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS and RNS, resp.) and an individual’s ability to detoxify these highly reactive species to prevent and/or repair damaged


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