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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



Psyche  2013 

Diapriinae Wasps (Hymenoptera: Diaprioidea: Diapriidae) Associated with Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Argentina

DOI: 10.1155/2013/320590

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We provide an overview of diapriid wasps associated with ants in Argentina and the diversity of interactions they have developed with their hosts. As a result, we report 16 species of nine genera of Diapriinae, two new geographic distributions, three new association records, illustrations, and photographs. We highlight myrmecophile symphylic species, with a high degree of integration with the host ants, adaptation being morphological and behavioral. A table with diapriid species and ant hosts is given. 1. Introduction Diapriids are primary endoparasitoids of larvae-pupae or pupae, principally of dipterans, but a number of species are closely associated with ant nests. However, there are few behavioral data on host-diapriid myrmecophile interactions. Huggert and Masner [1] hypothesized that the ancestors of diapriines guests changed from Diptera to Formicidae. The intermediates in the presumed sequence of hosts seem to be the numerous synoeketic Diptera living in the refuse depot and bivouacs of various army ants of the subfamily Ecitoninae. Diapriines females, in the search for potential hosts, would have progressively integrated with formicids. According to Masner (personal communication) this change would have occurred more frequently in the Neotropical region where these ants have high distribution. The guests switch mechanism has determined morphological and behavioral specialization, manifested by the degree of integration of diapriines to ant colonies. These symphyles are often highly adapted to their hosts, exhibiting morphological and behavioral adaptations to living with ants (extensive morphological mimicry of the host ants coloration, ocellus regression, similar sculpture, presence of appeasement substances in specialized structures and trichomes, trophallaxis, etc.), which aid them in avoiding detection and/or aggression by host ants. Ants seem to have preference to lick certain parts of diapriid body to get exudates [2]. The adaptations include secondary apterism in which the wings of wasps are bitten off by either the parasite itself or its host. During the alate phase, the adults probably disperse, as the alate individuals, caught by sweeping, in Malaise traps and significantly by light traps indicating also the nocturnal activity in this phase of life [2]. The secondary apterism occurs in several species of diapriines, for example, Asolenopsia rufa Kieffer, Bruchopria pentatoma Kieffer, Bruchopria hexatoma Kieffer, Notoxoides pronotalis (Borgmeier), herein studied. The current knowledge indicates that only a few diapriids are parasitoids


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