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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Developing Student Housing Quality Scale in Higher Institutions of Learning: A Factor Analysis Approach

DOI: 10.1155/2013/383109

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The researchers developed an instrument for measuring student housing quality (SHQ) in Higher Institutions of Learning (HIL) in Ghana. The paper sought to validate the student housing quality scale (SHOQUAL) through factor analysis approach. 700 respondents were sampled from two public HIL in Ghana in a cross-sectional survey that used a self-administered structured questionnaire for data collection. Confirmatory factor fnalysis (CFA) was conducted to detect the underlying latent variables that significantly determine SHQ in Ghanaian HIL. The findings indicate that four emerged SHQ dimensions relevant to the research context were labelled as follows: core facility quality, enabling facility quality, support facility quality, and cost of housing. The constructs in the derived model possess high reliability and validity. Student housing service providers could conveniently use the derived instrument items for measuring SHQ in HIL. Implications are discussed and limitations are noted. The paper contributes to the literature in the areas of models of service quality in student housing management in HIL. 1. Introduction It is a fact that the increasing enrolment of students in HIL has been a major issue in recent times [1]. This trend has attracted attention of practitioners and scholars alike regarding student residential and nonresidential housing provision in higher institutions. As a result, other educational stakeholders have had to support government efforts, either in partnership with government or by solely providing private housing facilities for tertiary students on or off campus [1, 2]. In many developing countries like Ghana, student housing provision in HIL has not only mandated government policy for private participation in developing higher education institutions economy [3] but also the competition has gradually been keen in the provision of residential and nonresidential housing facilities for students [4]. Housing is unarguably one of the basic needs of man and the World Health Organization [5] defines it as “the residential environment, neighbourhood, micro district or the physical structure that mankind uses for shelter, and the environments of that structure, including all necessary services, facilities, equipment and devices needed for the physical health and social well-being of the family and the individual.” Christina [6] and an ad hoc group of experts on social programming of housing in urban areas also strongly argued for housing in fulfilment of social needs. They maintain that housing serves as the area where the individual


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