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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



ISRN Agronomy  2014 

Characterization of the Wine Grape Thermohydrological Conditions in the Tropical Brazilian Growing Region: Long-Term and Future Assessments

DOI: 10.1155/2014/727123

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Over the last years, Brazil has appeared among the new tropical wine producing countries. The joined effect of rising air temperature and decreasing precipitation makes it important to quantify the trend of the thermohydrological conditions of the commercial vineyards. The aims of the current research were to classify and delimit these conditions for the winemaking processes under different time scenarios in the Brazilian Northeastern region. Bioclimatic indicators were used together with long-term weather data and projections of the IPCC emission scenarios under simulated pruning dates. The results showed that decreasing of precipitation should be good for wine production when irrigation water is available, but rising air temperature will affect the wine quality and stability mainly for pruning done from November to March. The best pruning periods are around May for any time scenario considered. In general, more care should be taken for pruning happening in other periods of the year, regarding the effect of increasing thermal conditions on wine quality. The classification and delimitation done, joined with other ecological characteristics, are important for a rational planning of the commercial wine production expansion, mainly in situations of climate and land use changes together with rising water competition. 1. Introduction Long-term observations and models are showing pieces of evidence of alterations in the climate system happening in several places of the world, which can be attributed to human activities. These effects are mainly consequences of changes in the atmospheric composition and hence global average air temperature is projected to rise together with regional variations in precipitation patterns [1, 2]. Grapevine phenology, wine quality, and yield are very dependent on climate at regional, local, and microclimatic scales [3]. Regional climate has been the focus of climate change impact assessments. At the local level, the considerations of grape site selection, cultural practices, and water management are increasing, being very important issues for potential adaptations to climate changes [4]. Air temperature values lower than 10°C will limit the vine shoot growth, inducing the plants to a dormancy period in temperate climates [5]. The optimum thermal range is considered between 25 and 30°C [6]. According to Huglin and Schneider [7], under situations of air temperature higher than 25°C, net photosynthesis decreases. Above 30°C, berry size and weight are reduced, with the metabolic processes dropping near 45°C [8]. Rising air temperature


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