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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Anisotropic Diffusion for Details Enhancement in Multiexposure Image Fusion

DOI: 10.1155/2013/928971

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We develop a multiexposure image fusion method based on texture features, which exploits the edge preserving and intraregion smoothing property of nonlinear diffusion filters based on partial differential equations (PDE). With the captured multiexposure image series, we first decompose images into base layers and detail layers to extract sharp details and fine details, respectively. The magnitude of the gradient of the image intensity is utilized to encourage smoothness at homogeneous regions in preference to inhomogeneous regions. Then, we have considered texture features of the base layer to generate a mask (i.e., decision mask) that guides the fusion of base layers in multiresolution fashion. Finally, well-exposed fused image is obtained that combines fused base layer and the detail layers at each scale across all the input exposures. Proposed algorithm skipping complex High Dynamic Range Image (HDRI) generation and tone mapping steps to produce detail preserving image for display on standard dynamic range display devices. Moreover, our technique is effective for blending flash/no-flash image pair and multifocus images, that is, images focused on different targets. 1. Introduction It is impossible to capture the entire dynamic range of the real world scene with single exposure. Human eye is sensitive to relative rather than absolute luminance values [1]. Human eye can observe both indoor and outdoor details simultaneously. This is because the eye adapts locally as we scan the different regions of the scene and can adapt 10 orders of magnitude of intensity variations in the scene [2], while standard digital cameras are unable to record the luminance variation in the entire scene. Currently, there are many applications that involve variable exposure photography to determine the details to be captured optimally in the photographed scene. The intention of exposure setting determination is to control charge capacity of the Charge Coupled Device (CCD). An example is shown in Figure 1(a), and long exposure yields details in the poorly illuminated areas while short exposure provides detail in the brightly illuminated area. Therefore, each exposure gives us trustworthy information about certain pixels, that is, the optimally exposed pixels for that image. In such type of images, for dark pixels, the relative contribution of noise is high and for bright pixels, the sensor may have been saturated. Therefore, it is desirable to ignore very dark and very bright pixels to achieve suprathreshold viewing conditions [2]. Consequently, the scene contains very dark and


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