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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



Agriculture  2013 

Alternative Land Management Strategies and Their Impact on Soil Conservation

DOI: 10.3390/agriculture3030464

Keywords: soil conservation practices, organic farming, low-input farming, land use change, farming system analysis

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Soil conservation is threatened by a number of factors, namely the effects of intensive agricultural practices, the increasing pressure for food production linked to the increasing human population, the consumption patterns in developed and emerging economies, and the conversion of agriculture from the production of commodities (which is itself a goal in need of discussion) to the production of biofuels. The extent of human pressure and the effects of conflicting land use systems need to be addressed. Alternative and conservative agricultural practices need to be explored and widely adopted in order to preserve the soil fertility, assessing their pros and cons. In this paper, the main potential alternative practices are reviewed, focusing in particular on organic farming. It is also argued that in order to better plan to preserve soil health a strategy considering the whole food system is required.


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