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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



Antibiotics  2013 

Multiple Pathways of Genome Plasticity Leading to Development of Antibiotic Resistance

DOI: 10.3390/antibiotics2020288

Keywords: integron, SOS, sub-MIC, reactive oxygen species, horizontal gene transfer, RpoS, CRP

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The emergence of multi-resistant bacterial strains is a major source of concern and has been correlated with the widespread use of antibiotics. The origins of resistance are intensively studied and many mechanisms involved in resistance have been identified, such as exogenous gene acquisition by horizontal gene transfer (HGT), mutations in the targeted functions, and more recently, antibiotic tolerance through persistence. In this review, we focus on factors leading to integron rearrangements and gene capture facilitating antibiotic resistance acquisition, maintenance and spread. The role of stress responses, such as the SOS response, is discussed.


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