Climate 2013
Research on Climate Change and Its Impacts Needs Freedom of ResearchDOI: 10.3390/cli1030163 Keywords: climate change, greenhouse gases and aerosols, land-cover changes, climate debate, Climate’s review process, freedom of research Abstract: Climate change captured my interest as a teenager when, at the dining table, my dad talked about potential anthropogenic climate changes. He brought up subjects such as “climate could change if the Siberian Rivers were to be deviated to the South for irrigation of the (semi) arid areas of the former Soviet Union”. Other subjects were afforestation in the Sahel to enhance precipitation recycling, deforestation in the Tropics that could have worldwide impacts on climate, the local climate impacts of the Merowe High Dam in its vicinity and downstream, Atlantropa, a new ice age, and the increase in days with sunshine after the introduction of the high-chimney policy in the Rhein-Ruhr area, just to mention a few.