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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



Lubricants  2013 

Phosphate Esters, Thiophosphate Esters and Metal Thiophosphates as Lubricant Additives

DOI: 10.3390/lubricants1040132

Keywords: phosphate ester, anti-wear additive, extreme pressure additive, ZDDP, TCP

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Phosphate esters, thiophosphate esters and metal thiophosphates have been used as lubricant additives for over 50 years. While their use has been extensive, a detailed knowledge of how they work has been a much more recent development. In this paper, the use of phosphate esters and thiophosphate esters as anti-wear or extreme pressure additives is reviewed with an emphasis on their mechanism of action. The review includes the use of alkyl phosphates, triaryl phosphates and metal containing thiophosphate esters. The mechanisms of these materials interacting with a range of iron and steel based bearing material are examined.


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