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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



Plants  2013 

Self-Affinity, Self-Similarity and Disturbance of Soil Seed Banks by Tillage

DOI: 10.3390/plants2030455

Keywords: disturbance, fractal, seed shape, seed size, self-affinity, self-similarity, soil seed banks, tillage

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Soil seed banks were sampled in undisturbed soil and after soil had been disturbed by tillage (tine, harrow or plough). Seeds were sorted by size and shape, and counted. Size-number distributions were fitted by power law equations that allowed the identification of self-similarity and self-affinity. Self-affinity and thus non-random size-number distribution prevailed in undisturbed soil. Self-similarity and thus randomness of size-number distribution prevailed after tillage regardless of the intensity of disturbance imposed by cultivation. The values of fractal dimensions before and after tillage were low, suggesting that short-term, short-range factors govern size-number distribution of soil seed banks.


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